Our clients are more than just numbers



Babies Galore

KKAJ has exploded this year, with five children or grandchildren born in six months! Congratulations to Bud Alleman, Tracy Odland, Evan Faucette, Mike Garrison and Daniel Holbrook  for the new additions to their families! Now for the challenge: Match which baby goes with each parent or grandparent. Answers below.

Parents/grandparents of babies starting top left corner, going clockwise: Tracy Odland, Daniel Holbrook, Evan Faucette, Bud Alleman, and Mike Garrison in the middle.

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“I have had a relationship with KKAJ for nearly two decades. Not only have they been the constant professionals offering financial and taxation assistance, but the entire firm has treated me as though I’m family. Perhaps better than family, but the point is there has always been an unparalleled covenant of trust.”

Teresa Todd,

Point of View Communications